Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Weekend 2010

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend with their loved ones. As I stated in my last post, my family and I spent our weekend at home. I did some shopping on Saturday, had a BBQ with our good friends on Sunday and did some cleaning/organizing on Monday. It was all pretty relaxing and we definitely had a good time at the BBQ. There isn't much too share, as far as photos because my poor little digital camera has finally kicked the bucket. My son has slammed it on the ground for the last time. So I am limited to taking photos with my iPhone. My husband is suppose to be buying me a brand new camera soon. It was suppose to be a birthday gift (my birthday was in JULY!) but being true to form, he's taking his sweet time. Crossing my fingers it's soon. Anyways, here are the few photos I was able to take.


Johanna said...

That baby is just a cutie. : )