Friday, August 27, 2010

What's in your bag??

I've just come to the harsh reality that I'm a receipt hoarder! LOL! Looking through my purse, this morning, TRYING to find a business card, I just laughed at what I saw. I thought of my sister, who I'm sure will comment about what she has in her purse, because she always has fun stuff in her bag. I really do need to stop collecting so many receipts, this problem is getting out of hand. But if I'm going to be honest, I need to get organized ALL the way around. I have become such an absent minded person, that if it's not written down or in my iPhone, it WILL get forgotten. Some of you know my passion for party planning and I have collected so many things through out the years. My garage has taken a hit, majorly! It is such a disaster and I'm so embarrassed but I'm actually going to let you all see my cluttered garage, in an effort to FORCE me to organize it. Especially as I plan more and more parties, it would be really nice to have things in order and easier for me to find. If one day, I go "pro", it wouldn't look very professional to have this type of storage place, right?!?! So I think I will go out this weekend and start buying storage bins and get crackin'! Back on the bag note, I'd like to know what's in YOUR bag?? Share the weird, gross, clutter and crap you have in your bags! (make me feel better.... please! haha)
My bag contained: receipts GALORE, tape, ipod, tampons, paper clips, a ball, a $20 bill shaped eraser, nail clippers, a roll of diaper trash bags, make up, a cd, sunglasses and a mini Prada perfume)
It's horrifying! I know! Give me a couple of weeks and I will hopefully have an organized photo to share.


Mimi said...

Your garage is spotless compared to mine..we can't even walk in ours, looks like something for a show of hoarders!! My purse is horrible as well, I have tons of receiptsand I have been know to have melted fruit gummies,tampons that have come out of the wrapper AND the applicator and the cotton has shred to pieces in my purse along with crushed up oreos!

J. At Your Service said...

LOL!!!!! WOAH! Mimi, that actually happen to a tampon once, in the diaper bag! Thanks for sharing!

Lydia (Me: Unofficially) said...

Found your blog from Bloggy Mom and now your newest follower. It's such a relieved to know that I'm not the only one who's dragging huge bag full with stuff (my own, my kids': toys, wipes, extra pull-ups, cheerios, fruit chewies - the list is long & also my husband's cell phone, keys, etc.).. sigh.. oh the joy of being the queen of the castle! :-)

Amaris said...

Oh my God! You're not gonna believe this (well, actually you are cuz it happens with us all the time) but just an hour ago I said to my co-workers "Why do I have cayenne pepper in my purse?!?" And I'll never forget the time I was at a bar and pulled out Wolverine from my purse. LOL!!!

Karyn Climans said...

I don't know if you'll find this helpful or not but years ago, I bought a small accordian file and labelled the different sections: Visa receipts, parking receipts, banking receipts, restaurant receipts etc. I'm still using it today because it makes it much easier to track bills.

Karyn Climans said...

Oh, I forgot to mention. I also buy smaller purses now so that I can't accumulate so much stuff!

J. At Your Service said...

Sister, I knew you would have something strange in your bag! That Wolverine toy, is hilarious! LOL
@Karyn- I bought SEVERAL of those, through out my adult life and NEVER kept up with them. IDK why?!? But my bills and those kind of things are so much the problem, it's my store and restaurant receipts. And acutally, that stuff was in a small bag! LOL! I'll have to down grade to a wristlet, hahaha!

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a theme on the mommy blogs today about organizing (could it be the school year starting that is prompting us to get a handle on things?)

Yes, I would love to see what you end up doing!

J. At Your Service said...

@Suzanne- I noticed that too! I think thats what it is. We are preparing the kids and getting them organized, that we've ended up looking at ourselves and our mess! Stay tuned for that but it's going to take me a few weeks. First step, going to Target tomorrow and buying storage totes (that happen to be on sale)!

Olivia said...

That's so funny! My bag is just the same, I hoard receipts and small change like they're going out of style! I just came over here from mama's little nestwork – I am your "neighbor" in the life blog category. So, hi, nice to meet you!

Have a great day,


Amy said...

Glad to know I am not alone...I really should condemn my purse, it has taken such a beating. I am actually embarrassed by its contents and I impress myself with how MUCH I can stuff into that thing! Jeez, I bet if I ever got into an emergency situation that required a million pennies, cheerios, crayons and Littlest Pet Shops; I would find them in the bottom of my purse. thank you for following me...I am now following you. You can also 'like' my facebook page @ I like your sense of humor...enjoyed visiting!

Veronica said...

How funny, this reminds of my sister in law, she once found a big rock from her garden in her bag.LOL