Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas 2010: Cookie Baking Party

For those of you that have school age children, you know how CRAZY the holiday season can be. Especially when you have more than one child in school. There are holiday parties, programs and for some schools, it's also conference time. Last week was so crazy busy, I was literally so exhausted that I was delirious! Two of my kids had doctor appointments, there were 2 holiday parties/activities, I had to make desserts for 1 of those, an award ceremony and 3 of those things were on the SAME DAY! Lugging around my toddler, I did it all. I believe the term you're looking for is SUPER MOM, hehe! So the first one on the list was Tahlia's "Cookie Baking Party". Parents donated cookie dough, frosting, sprinkles, rolling pins, you name it, so that the children could bake and decorate cookies. The kids had so much fun and us parents had fun as well, helping them. Take a look at Tahlia's school party!
As you can tell, Nate got into the baking fun or COVERED in baking fun!
He likes them! Mmmm



Tini Posh said...

So sweet!! Your kiddies are too cute..looks like they had a great time : )

J. At Your Service said...

Aww, thank you Claudia! They definitely did. We had cookies for like 3 days! LOL!