Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The latest on Nate.....

Looking at my recent post, I've come to see less of Nate. Party planning has taken over and even though I love it, it's been very stressful. So today, it's about Nate! He's been so active, that I am literally drained at the end of the day. The days of Nate, sitting on the couch or floor, playing and watching his favorite show, are OVER. Not to mention he is a lot LOUDER now. I mean random yelling, for no reason, hahaha. Besides the loudness (regular headaches for me), he is so much fun and makes me laugh all the time. Check out some Nate randomness! (excuse my photos, I'm working with only my iPhone at the moment)
He enjoyed the fireworks, despite them being very bright for him.

You don't leave food unattended here!
That's his "Omg look!!" face OR when he see's a "bwall" (ball) reaction
He really loved John's Incredible Pizza....so many rides!!
See! He had so much fun!
Riding the cutest trackless train at a Thomas The Train birthday party (it was playing Yo Gabba Gabba music) Too cute!